Thursday, February 7, 2013

week 2- no pictures

  the past two weeks have been crazy
[[i can't believe he's already two weeks already]]
i've been trying to write in my journal to keep a record for baby anthony
...but typing is so much easier and faster than writing

here's what's happened so far
after i was released from the i went straight to my parent's house
they said they were going to "take care of me" haha
they did, and i'm so grateful that they did
but i kept finding myself not feeling well rested
it's so weird that once you get married, your small apartment feels more like home
it also didn't help that ron was in provo and we were in slc
so i decided to come back to provo after 2 days 

but it was good that we went back to provo
because anthony's bilirubin level's were elevating 
it seemed like every day it increased by 2 levels
so our doctor called and said that it would be best if he went to the hospital and put him under some lights
being a first time mom, i was nervous that it was something more serious

we got to the hospital and they gave us our own room
so in my mind, i thought-- there's got to be something really wrong with him!
but no they just gave us our own room
the worse part about the whole experience was when they wanted to put an IV in him
the nurses wanted to make sure he was hydrated
so they put one in his foot
it was so sad to see something so small have such a big needle in him
then the nurses said that they need to draw blood to know his blood counts
i thought the nurses were going to prick his heels 
[[ because that's what they've done to check his bilirubin levels before ]]

they pricked him so much!
they pricked both his arms, hands, legs, and then his forehead!!!!

can you believe it??? 
poor guy was screaming and crying
and there was nothing i could do
i guess i could have told them that i didn't feel comfortable having them prick his head
but they kept on telling me that they needed to get blood
since he was dehydrated blood wasn't coming out
[[ honestly i'm not 100% sure why blood wasn't coming. they explained it, but i wasn't paying attention]]
i tried so hard not to cry and not let his cry bother me
but i broke down in the bathroom when he just started to scream
i saw tears rolling down his face for the first time
and it totally broke my heart
i didn't like the fact that i was completely helpless
i couldn't do anything for my baby
it was the worst experience i've even been through   
i hope i never have to go through that again
the thing that got my so angry was that i told the nurse that he bleeds well on his heel
so prick him there and you'll get your blood sample
and she said that she wanted it from a vein
but after they failed multiple time
they ended up getting the blood sample from the heel
that just pissed me off
they should have listened to me in the first place
it was the worse experience and hardest for me
by the next day, i could tell baby anthony was exhausted
so i went home and spoiled him
i didn't even put him down
i just hugged and kissed the heck out of him 
he probably didn't like the kissing and hugging part
but i sure did :)
 now he's eating and sleeping so good!
he's such a good baby
on our 2 week check-up 
he gained 7 oz!
so he's 8 lbs and 1 oz
and he grew 1 inch 
so 21 inches long
his umbilical cord on his belly button fell off yesterday 
so he was able to take his first bath
he looked soooo cute 
i think he loved it. he was so calm
 here's just few things that's changed this week:
  • he outgrew newborn diapers and now is a size 1 
  • he's starting to smile randomly
  • he feeds better [[before he couldn't latch on very well]]  
  • he loves bath 

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